Di-Ann Eisnor

CWeO Cities ● The We Company (Formerly known as WeWork) (US)

Di-Ann is CWeO cities at The We Company. Previously she incubated new urban systems at Google’s Area 120. Di-Ann started the US office of Waze in 2009 and was Director of Growth for the crowd-sourced navigation and real-time traffic application including platform, business development and marketing (Acquired by Google 2013). While at Waze she founded the Waze Connected Citizens Program which worked with 650 cities and departments of transportation to use data to reduce congestion and improve emergency response times.



Chris Ferguson

Director - National, International & Research ● UK Government Digital Service (UK)

James Law

Chairman & CEO ● James Law Cybertecture (HK)

Ren Yee

Head of Innovation Strategy & Forecasting ● UNStudio; Head of Design/Strategies ● UNSense (The Netherlands)

Otto Ng

Design Director ● LAAB (HK)

Jens-Peter Brauner

CEO ● Siemens Mobility Ltd (HK)

Eric Schuldenfrei

Founding Partner ● ESKYIU; Head of the Department of Architecture ● The University of Hong Kong (HK)

Gene Soo

General Manager ● Citymapper (HK)

Clive Grinyer

Design Consultant ● Clivegrinyer Limited (UK)